Gemological Training

Access to gemological education is largely unavailable in artisanal gem mining regions, which makes identifying gems and their synthetics or imitations extremely challenging. Gem Legacy’s goal is to bridge the gap between miners and gem brokers/dealers and gemological knowledge to ensure those closest at the source are equipped to do business ethically and safely.

Past Gemological Trainings

Voi, Kenya
Nthanje, Mzimba, and Lilongwe, Malawi

More than 250 miners, brokers, and dealers have attended gemological trainings hosted by Gem Legacy and reported feeling 80-90% more confident in their business dealings and their ability to conduct business ethically and safely after the training.

$35 Sponsors a Training Scholarship

Includes meals, cost of operating the training, and gemological tools the attendee will take home with them.

About the Trainings

The Gemological Trainings were created in response to broad requests from those in gem mining regions to receive more education. Trainings include a geological overview of how gemstones form, what makes gem types different and how to identify them from each other, gem grading and sorting, evaluation and pricing, and identifying synthetics, imitations, and treatments. 

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